Avon, CT - The Mindful Marriage Conference
- Fri, Jan 23, 2026 – Sat, Jan 24, 2026
- Valley Community Baptist Church, 590 W Avon Rd, Avon, CT 06001, USA
One of the highest rated seminars sponsored by FamilyLife® in their 45+ year history.
Registration Coming...
At the intersection of Biblical principles for marriage, social science, and edutainment (“education designed to entertain and amuse”) is this dynamic and practical marriage education event. The Mindful Marriage Conference presented by Ron & Nan Deal is designed to inspire, educate, and encourage couples in all seasons of life (pre-marriage, marriage, and blended family marriage) toward greater intimacy and stability. Based on the book
by the Deals and Dr. Terry & Sharon Hargrave, The Mindful Marriage: Create Your Best Relationship Through Understanding and Managing Yourself.
Previously titled "Empowered to Love" and featured at the FamilyLife® Love Like You Mean It Marriage Cruise® and their SanDestin Resort Getaway, topics include:
- Why your spouse keeps doing those annoying behaviors...and why you do, too!
- What empowers us to love the way we want to love so as to create emotional safety and trust
- The number one dynamic that sabotages emotional safety & love in marriage
- The four coping reactions to pain: blame, shame, control, & escape
- The relationship between pain and behavior in marriage (Pain Cycle)
- How the Humility Shift fosters emotional safety (Peace Cycle)
- How you can practically take off your "old self" and put on the "new self" being made new in Christ - and how that builds a stronger Usness in marriage.
Couples leave the event with an intimate plan, specific to their relationship, for building peace and intimacy in their usness.
"This material has made a significant difference in my own marriage and I've seen it change lives in the marital intensive therapy I do with couples. If you want more for your marriage, I encourage you to be part of this practical and life-changing seminar." -- Ron Deal
For more information contact Joe Funderburk, Pastor of Discipleship, [email protected]; Website: avon.valleycommunity.cc
Registration Coming...
Learn more about The Mindful Marriage Conference hereFri/Sat, Jan 23-24, 2026
Friday Night: 7:00—9:00 PM
- 6:00 pm Check-in begins
- 7:00—9:00 pm The Pride/Humility Dynamic in Your Marriage: Longing for Peace
Saturday: 9:00—1:00 PM- 9:00—10:30 am Putting on Humility: Love, Trust, and Growing Up
- 10:30—10:45 am Break
- 10:45—11:45 am Humility in Conflict: The Four Steps
- 11:45—12:00 pm Break
- 12:00—1:00 pm From Old to New: Renewing Your Mind, Renewing Your Usness