Speaking Topics/Events:
- Marriage Seminar: The Mindful Marriage Conference (Ron & Nan)
- Blended Family Seminars (Ron)
- Building A Successful Stepfamily, 6-7 hours
- Becoming Stepfamily Smart, 2-3 hours
- Professional and Pastoral Training (Ron)
- Blended Family Ministry (1 to 6 hours) - for ministry staff and lay leaders
- Understanding & Helping Stepfamilies (1-6 hours) - keynote and workshops for family professionals, social workers, & community leaders
- Recognized Smart Stepfamily Therapy training or Stepfamily Therapy (ranging from 1 hour to 2 days including graduate school lectures) - continuing education for licensed therapists (Clinical & Ministry Training)
- Parental Grief: Recalibrated: When Loss Changes Your Life (theological and practical sermon, class, and/or workshop about coping with loss; Ron & Nan)
- Fun and Encouraging Lessons/Workshops (sermon, class, or workshop) (Ron)
- When You Have a Less-than-Perfect Family (a great worship service lesson on God's grace for imperfect people)
- Getting a Handle on Love When Your Love-handles Get You (marriage focus with applications for singles)
- Passionate Sexuality (one of Ron's most popular workshops; not for the faint of heart!)

A sampling of organizations and churches Ron & Nan has spoken for include: Various FamilyLife® events & cruises | Watermark Community Church's Marriage Ministry Conference | North Point Community Church, Atlanta | American Association of Christian Counselors | WinShape Retreat | Archdiocese of Chicago | Arkansas and Utah Governor’s Conferences on the Family | Christian Cultural Center, Brooklyn, NY | Wheaton Bible Church, Chicago, IL | Willow Creek Community Church, Chicago, IL | Pepperdine University, Boone Center for the Family | Bay Side Church, Sacramento | Lifest Christian music festival | Break Forth One, Edmonton, Alberta | Heartland Community Church | Second Baptist Church, Houston | The Hills Church, Fort Worth | New Mexico Marriages First | Smart Marriages Conference | National Association for Relationship and Marriage Education (NARME) | Various state Marriage & Family Therapy conferences | National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers | Prepare-Enrich | National Conference on Stepfamilies