“This has been THE BEST, most hands-on, practical, raw, and healing teaching that we have had in all our years of attending cruises, marriage conferences, classes, etc. Ron & Nan Deal were amazing, real, and transparent along with providing the practical steps for us to walk out this teaching in our life. We are in awe of the way they have allowed God to turn their mess into an incredible message and cannot wait to have it in a form to use to help others.”
– FamilyLife sponsored event participant
"Ron & Nan Deal’s seminar allowed my husband and I to get to heart level pain/fear and gave us practical tracks to run on to humble ourselves and extend grace to each other. I related with their story SO MUCH. Their seminar was the BEST thing FamilyLife has ever offered. Completely scripturally supported and 100% getting to the bottom heart-level transformational place where the Holy Spirit can make us new and really move."
-- Marriage Cruise Attendee
In February 2022 Ron & Nan Deal's The Mindful Marriage Conference™ was the talk of the FamilyLife marriage cruise (at that time titled Empowered to Love). In 2023, an entire SanDestin Resort getaway was organized by FamilyLife around this seminar. And now, you can bring The Mindful Marriage conference to your church and community.
At the intersection of Biblical principles for marriage, social science, and edutainment (“education designed to entertain and amuse”) is this dynamic and practical marriage seminar. The Mindful Marriage Conference™ is designed to inspire, educate, and encourage couples in all seasons of life (pre-marriage, marriage, and blended family marriage) toward greater intimacy and stability. Designed for healthy and distressed couples alike.
This cutting-edge training event teaches couples:
- how to operationalize the Biblical quality of humility in their everyday lives;
- how to map their emotionally dysregulated moments (every couple does this!) and examine the pain behind it;
- and how to replace those moments with self-regulation, rooted in love and trustworthiness, that fosters peace and emotional safety
- Couples leave the event with an intimate plan, specific to their relationship, for building peace and intimacy in their usness (Couple Peace Cycle)
Topics include:
- Why neurological reactivity occurs in every marriage and how it hurts your "usness"
- The pride/humility dynamic in marriage, and how to operationalize humility when you need it most
- The two pillars of healthy relationships and why communication skills are never enough
- The relationship between pain and behavior in marriage (Pain Cycle)
- The four coping reactions to pain: blame, shame, control, & escape
- And, the four steps of self-regulation (renewing your mind) and emotional safety that transforms relationships (Peace Cycle)
- Healing journey insights
"Our marriage is example #1 of what can happen when you become mindful of your own reactivity. This material originally from our friends Dr. Terry & Sharon Hargrave, now a much anticipated book, has made a significant difference in our own marriage and I've seen it change lives in the marital intensive therapy I've done with couples.
If you want more for your marriage, I encourage you to attend this practical and life-changing seminar." -- Ron Deal
Buy the book on Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books-A-Million | Our Publisher
Speakers: Ron & Nan Deal
Typical Schedule:
Friday Night: 7:00—9:00 PM
6:00 pm Check-in begins
7:00—9:00 pm The Pride/Humility Dynamic in Your Marriage: Longing for Peace
Saturday: 9:00—1:00 PM
9:00—10:30 am Putting on Humility: Love, Trust, and Growing Up
10:30—10:45 am Break
10:45—11:45 am Humility in Conflict: The Four Steps
11:45—12:00 pm Break
12:00—1:00 pm From Old to New: Renewing Your Mind, Renewing Your Usness
As featured by FamilyLife